Perfect Packing Snow (Pictures of the First Snowfall)

It’s snowing!  We scatter about the house, looking for mittens and boots.  This first snow, according to the Artist Friend, is particularly generous. 

It falls in great big glops, and so we know we’ve got packing snow.

You don’t need to tell a child what to do in packing snow like this.   

They make snowballs. 

They eat snowballs.

They throw snowballs. They attack one another, but then they turn their snowballs into a snowman. 

I loved my brief Autumn, and as I stand at my kitchen sink and look out to the forest, I welcome Winter.  What a generous snowfall; what a generous moment between sisters; what a generous warmth I feel as I look through this window. 

 Living with flair means we embrace this generous winter.

Have you had snow yet?

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0 Responses

  1. Thank you for sharing your snow pictures. . .beautiful. Glad we have a little autumn left, but love peeking in on those already in full swing of winter.

  2. So beautiful, Heather. I must live with snow and a “generous winter” vicariously through my northern friends. Our A/C is back on after only a few days of fallish weather.  

  3. Hi Heather, I came over from Pioneer Woman. I'm trying my best to visit a new blog every day for awhile, and today you're my new visit! Can't believe you got this kind of snowfall already. Great pics — and what a great attitude seeing the snow as a generous gift. Blessings to you and yours!