
We’re driving on the highway behind a huge concrete truck. The revolving drum on top the truck mixes the concrete even while on the road.

The concrete must be continually stirred or else it hardens and loses its workability. It hardens too fast and too soon. As the drum revolves, the right amount of water and other additives keep the concrete pourable till it reaches a construction site.

I think about that revolving drum. I think about the ways I want to keep moving–getting stirred up each year–so I don’t set and harden in my heart. I want to invite new, essential additives in to keep me soft. If I’m toppling over and my life seems off-kilter, I’m going to think of it as my being stirred in a revolving drum. Otherwise, I’ll harden. Otherwise, I can’t be poured out in the ways God wants.

New experiences and new challenges keep us soft and workable, don’t you think?

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0 Responses

  1. Heather I started reading your book How to Write with Flare last night – I am so appreciative of you, your enthusiasm, blog, and willingness to share the flare and love in your life. It is greatly appreciated!

  2. Only if you call papers for my masters is public admin writing projects! I write for work and write for school and I enjoy it (most of the time). I was intrigued in how to improve my writing however I have to say what I wanted was a peek into your classroom – I suspect it would be an amazing place to be!