From Worry to Watching

This morning, I read some beautiful words in Paul Miller’s A Praying Life. He says that when you “stop trying to control your life and instead allow your anxieties and problems to bring you to God in prayer, you shift from worry to watching.”

I love it. I love that when I go to God, I’m then invited to watch. I’m watching for God’s amazing answer and work on my behalf. I’m watching for His power and presence.

I’m watching not worrying.

Miller says that I’m looking for God to “weave his patterns in the story of [my] life.” As I see God work, Miller insists that my life will begin to “sparkle with wonder.”

It does. It really does. I’m not worried today. I’m watching for God’s intervening hand.

Shifting from worry to watching! Don’t you love the freedom and joy in that? Are you now watching?

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