10 Words That Sound Like What They Mean

In a few days, I teach freshman writing again. I just love verbs, as you know, but I’m also currently obsessed with words that sound like what they mean.

For example:

Effervesce is an effervescent kind of sound. It bubbles up as you say it.

Just like sizzle sizzles and crackle crackles off the tongue.

The word crisp is a crisp kind of sound, just like swish swishes and a sting sounds like it’s stinging. Squirmy is a squirmy word, just like ooze is an oozy word. Tickle has a tickle to it as you say it, and pound has a kind of heaviness to it.

Oh, I love words!

So in addition to grapple being my all-time favorite verb, I love words that sound like what they mean.

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