Stop Comparing and Make Your Own Fun

Sometimes we get into a terrible thought pattern where we truly believe everyone else is having much more fun than we are. We just can’t handle all the wonderful things we see others experiencing while we go about our hum-drum, boring Sunday.

We’re driving away after dropping one daughter off at a fabulous party, and the other daughter sulks in the back seat of the car. Why doesn’t she get those kinds of invitations? What about her day? Why isn’t she having any fun?

Because I continue to mediate on Ephesians 2:6 and our special seat in the heavenly realms in Christ, I can say with confidence, “God has a perfect day planned for you that is entirely separate from–but not better or worse than–your sister’s or anyone else’s. God has good works prepared in advance for you to do today. God has blessings for you in store today. It might not be a party, but it will be something.”

Can we believe it?

She sulks for a while longer but then something clicks inside of her. She announces, “I am going to make chocolate cupcakes from scratch from my own recipe.” It’s like the dark mood lifts and she’s in a different spiritual place.

That’s it, girl! There’s a great day ahead that’s your day.

Later, I ask her what advice she would give to other little girls who are having sad, empty days. She says, “Go bake. Make your own fun.”

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0 Responses

  1. Thanks for sharing! I especially like: “What He asks me to do, He enables me to do.” I've just got to listen better to hear Him asking….

    What he asks me to do, He enables me to do.
    What he asks me to do, He enables me to do.