Until I Saw a Bear

Sometimes, I dream that a little cabin in the woods–far, far away from civilization–will somehow help me live deep and suck out all the marrow of life.

I’d enjoy simple pleasures: wildflowers and  stretches of meadow interrupted only by a lazy cloud or two. 

I would rest easy and enjoy all that peace.

It’s wonderful–until of course the bear comes.

He labors towards me like he owns the place.


He stops and stares. He’s small, but I fear he could still make a meal out of me and my small children. 

Bear Stare-Down

I realize that perhaps little cabins also inevitably come with bears. What I imagine is so wonderful actually holds its particular dangers and challenges.

It’s not all meadows and flowers. It seems lovely, but it comes with bears.

Have you seen a bear in nature? Sublime! 

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0 Responses

  1. I've seen bears, mountain sheep and moose when I lived in MT. And yes, cabins in the woods are no longer in “civilization” but part of different ecology system; people who move out and then complain about the grizzly raiding their trash need to remember whose territory they have entered. I'm pro-grizzly :). I still have a house in MT rented to the same couple since I left 19 years ago…perhaps for retirement?

  2. I've seen dozens of bears in the smokey mountains over the years we camped there….and we had a bear visit us twice this past Thanksgiving Day. I don't know what's more unnerving – a bear or a gator. I'd prefer they both keep their distance.