I remember taking my first picture with the first digital camera I ever had. Eleven years ago, nobody pulled out fancy phone cameras, and nobody used automatic filters and editing tools right on their phones. I didn’t know anything about taking pictures, but I learned about focusing the “macro” lens and watching the light.
On this day so many years ago, I knelt down and marveled over the design of the acorn and how the afternoon light filtered through the trees. It was unseasonably warm and sunny. I was walking to pick up my children from school. I took the picture and loved it so much for the blurred background and the light. It’s not even a technically beautiful photo, but to me, this picture marks a time in my life when I desperately searched for beauty and places to marvel in my ordinary days of motherhood. Within that first year of blogging every day at Live with Flair, I started documenting with words and sometimes photos in order to expand my capacity for joy. I wanted to notice, really notice, my life.
It worked.