Once You Know, You Can’t Unknow

It occurs to me again this morning that some things you can never go back from.  Some things you just can’t undo.  Learning to read, for example, forever dooms you to a life of reading.  You have no choice but to read the bumper sticker in front of you, the advertisement on the bus, the message in front of the church, or the billboard by the car wash.

Try as you might, you have no choice but to read once you know how.  The brain makes reading like breathing–involuntary–so you see letters and make the words without really thinking about it. 

Just try and not read this sentence.  What a beautiful and inescapable outcome of learning to read! 

I thought of other things I can’t undo.  When I heard the story of God’s love for me, I couldn’t go back from it.  I couldn’t undo that truth, and it changed how I read everything around me.  Once I knew, I couldn’t unknow, and now each moment becomes filtered through Jesus’s love.

Do you wish I could undo it because it offends?  I can’t.  

I’m doomed in the best possible way.  The inescapable outcomes of a life of faith means you’ll learn things you cannot go back from.  It’s that powerful and that complete. 

Do you have experiences that made you see the world differently forever? 

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0 Responses

  1. i remember with gratitude the moment my spiritual blindness gave way to sight and i was forever changed

  2. Heather, your writings are the daily bright spot in my inbox, and I apologize that I haven't told you that before now. You bless me daily with your insights, giving me everything from rich food for thought (like you did today) to a welcome chuckle. I thank God for the gift of you!

  3. That's right!   I thought, too, about advertising and how we really have no choice to see and read it, unfortunately! 

  4. And when it's compelling – regardless of value – we really want to see it. My seven-year old reminded me again recently of how she loves watching commercials.

  5. Commercials are such a weird genre.  You have 30 seconds to persuade using every means available.  I loved that Superbowl commercial with the dog trying to get in shape so he could chase the VW. 

  6. I think that 30-second concentration is what makes us love them. So much in so little time, we're drawn (maybe?) to the brilliance. “Beautiful and inescapable,” and funny.