It Might Be That You Feel Helpless

For several days, I’ve just felt so bad about writing. I’m so discouraged! I actually googled, “advice for discouraged writers.” I found a great little list called, “25 Inspiration Sources for the Discouraged Writer.” On this list, Cheryl Reif asks me to “identify where I feel helpless” because feeling helpless as a writer is a “sure path to stress.”

Helpless? Yes! That’s how I feel! I feel helpless because once you send proposals out, you just wait and wait and do nothing and in the meantime you forget how much you love writing. You let agents, editors, and publishers–the business side of writing–suck the life out of you.

Writing never felt this way before, so today I’m going back to the basics. I’m going back to the pure joy of using verbs like grapple and fritter. Cheryl says to take a small step so I don’t feel so helpless. My one small step out of helplessness today is to enjoy writing because it’s so fun.

Besides, I just thought of a fabulous character for a brand new novel.

Do you feel helpless about writing today? This advice about identifying where one feels helpless applies to weight loss, work, relationships, and parenting. Taking one small step out of helplessness is terrific advice!

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0 Responses

  1. Perfect timing as I struggle with feeling helpless as a new mom! I feel like The Lord gave me the same revelation today about taking small steps.

  2. Hi Heather: I'm not sure if this will inspire you or not. I hope it does.
    Your blogs 'are' writing and they have helped me to write and also think in a different way. You teach writing and that's far above what I could ever do. From reading your occasional (but normal for writers and artists) self-inflicted punishment, I think you tend to realize too much or mourn over the reality that you don't see in front of you. You are doing more than you realize.

    Consider this; Fiction writers write things that are absolutely false. The metaphors are pretense – the analogies are created, yet people are inspired -even blessed by the circumstances and fictional beings that they create. Certainly your spirit led – inspiring writing could touch someone with truth and absolute reality. You are awesome because you are a teacher of writing and one or more of your students could win a Nobel peace award, due to your efforts.
    Only believe that one day your writing will reach the eyes and the souls that you are trying to reach and it will. Remember the one lost sheep and the 99 will follow later. I myself have many 'one lost sheep' who are always the reason that I don't stop writing. I am already one of your sheep. Publishers are a pain in the butt – expect rejections and don't discount self-publishing. Thank you for who you are and may God bless you with the desires of your heart. Mark