Hide the Things You Don’t Like Inside the Things You Do: A Resolution for 2012

I’m starting to think that flaxseed can solve many problems.  We’ve decided to use a few teaspoons a day in things like smoothies, sauces, and even mashed potatoes.  Nobody knows the difference, but I promise that everything works more smoothly with flaxseed around.  Maybe it’s the fiber, or maybe it’s the omega 3’s or the lignans.

Whatever it is about flaxseed, my children have more energy and better moods.

So I hide it in the smoothies.  And with blueberry smoothies, you can put in a handful of spinach (it doesn’t show up against the deep blue color of the berries) and children drink it down lickity-split.  My sister calls these kinds of smoothies “Sneaky Smoothies,” and her children have one every day.  They did not have one sick day last fall. 

So for 2012, we’re attending to our health with flaxseed and spinach.  I realize that when you hide the things you don’t like inside the things you do, you can stomach almost anything.  I’m coupling exercising with friendship, folding laundry with chatting on the phone, scrubbing floors with new music downloads, and completing stressful writing projects with homemade lattes.

And consuming flaxseed and spinach with berry smoothies.  

Hide the thing you don’t like inside the thing you love. That’s helping me so far in 2012.

What unfavorable thing do you couple with something you like in order to endure it?

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0 Responses

  1. I've been sneaking spinach and milled flaxseed into everything from casseroles, sauces, muffins to smoothies and even use it,(along with applesauce) as a substitute for the oil in most of my baked goods!   

  2. For several years when I swore off eating eggs (way too icky!), my mom would whip up a “milkshake” for me in the mornings when she served eggs.  I thought the milkshake was merely chocolate milk whipped up in the blender and blithely sucked it up while the my sisters and parents enjoyed their eggs.  YEARS, many years later when we were adults, my sisters snickered and smirked as they admitted to the family conspiracy to get me to eat eggs, which Mom had surreptitiously added to my shake.   

  3. I am curious what kind of flaxseed you are using?  Oil?  The actual seeds?  I would love to do this with my family since we do green smoothies every day (spinach, kale, spring mix etc. hidden in a fruit smoothie) and I would love to add flaxseed.  But am at a loss as to what kind – and where – to purchase.  Any tips would be appreciated!  Thanks!

  4. I use the course-ground flaxseed and blend it right into the smoothie.  I love this idea of “green smoothies” every day!  Thanks!  Also, I found the flaxseed at Whole Foods.