I love that God does “awesome things we did not expect” (Isaiah 64:3). This unchanging God performs in unexpected ways. It’s so mysterious, wonderful, and joyful to think of God working in ways we cannot expect. When I receive a gift or good news I wasn’t expecting, it’s so beautiful and fun. It turns the whole day around. I think of my daughter who prays in the morning that this day might be better than expected.
It will be! God is working! He works in awesome ways!
God is working. He’s working in a way you won’t know to expect.
I continue my reading in Isaiah only to find it gets even better. We learn this about God:
Since ancient times no one has heard, no ear has perceived, no eye has seen any God besides you, who acts on behalf of those who wait for him.
He acts on your behalf in unexpected, beautiful, powerful ways. I cannot wait to see this day unfold, can you?