Who Needs Flowers?

A friend arrives at my apartment with a gift for me.  It’s a huge bouquet of sunflowers.  

I place them in a plastic cup (all I had!).  No matter where I am in the apartment, I can peek around any corner and find them.  Such a difference they make!  Such warmth and happiness from flowers! 

Living with flair means bringing flowers into the house.  It means giving them, too.

Journal:  Who needs some flowers delivered today?

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0 Responses

  1. Who needs flowers? I do, of course! I cut all kinds of things from our yard (including weeds!), and attempt to arrange them in some fancy way…it just makes me feel special.

  2. Flowers are so nice in the home. When I lived in MT, I would buy flowers from a florist sans baby's breathe; my cats left the flowers alone but strew the baby's breath all over the apartment! What a lovely idea of sunflowers peeking at you as you walk through the house – and after such a dismal, illness filed week. Hope all are on the mend :).

  3. Flowers are the most beautiful way to express feelings to your loved ones, their perfume and color brings a sense of freshness and beauty in the life. The gifts presented in the form of flowers or bouquets are the best gifts ever given to someone.