What I Love Most About Getting Older

Today I turn 38 years old! It’s been a great day. I realize that what makes this day so full of birthday flair: I know what I love and who I am. It’s taken a long time to get here.

I love being older and knowing that I love coffee, long stretches of writing with a candle lit, extravagant perfume, fuzzy slippers, and Thai food for dinner. I love that when someone asks, “What can I do for you?” I know the answer. I used to not know. I used to feel guilty if I expressed what I really wanted.

Early this morning, a friend texts and asks me for my exact coffee order–exactly what I want. I almost texted back, “I’ll take anything, you decide.” Why would I do this? No more! I know what I want! Why hold back ?

Now–this year especially–I know what I want. Today, I want time to write, beautiful scents around me and on me, comfortable shoes, and someone to make dinner.

I love today.

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0 Responses

  1. Happy Birthday!

    I'm still working on the whole “knowing what I want” thing. Glad you have that under control. 🙂

  2. Happy, happy birthday, Heather! I'm impressed you know what you want before turning 40–love that! You're ahead of most people in that regard, I'm sure. I hope your day has been wonderful and that this upcoming year will be simply splendiferous! Thank you for the gift of your day-brightening and food-for-thought posts; I enjoy each one.

  3. Happy birthday to you, happy birthday to you, happy birthday dear Heather, happy birthday to you!!

  4. Happy Birthday! I think the wonderful thing is that you are brave; you know and you are not holding back! What a wonderful year stretches before you!