Well, You Have to Ask

Twice today, someone advises me to “ask God for wisdom.”

By quoting James 1:5 (“If any of you lacks wisdom, you should ask God, who gives generously to all without finding fault, and it will be given to you), these folks implore me to simply ask and receive.

God gives wisdom generously.

God gives wisdom regardless of any fault in us, and He doesn’t rebuke us for asking.

God will answer when we ask.

I’m reminded of Jesus’ words throughout the gospels and how God gives good gifts to His children when we ask.  The door opens when we ask. Our joy is complete when we ask.

Instead of fretting, over-processing, or surmising, just ask.  Instead of entertaining paralyzing emotions, ask for wisdom. Ask for the answer.

I’m excited about God’s generous wisdom that comes to us when we ask. How will it come? Through wise words from wise souls, through scripture, through Holy Spirit revelation?

Yes! It will come–generously, impartially, and absolutely–when we ask.

Have you asked God for wisdom and received it?

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0 Responses

  1. I really needed to be reminded of this today. Thanks for the timely reassurance.

  2. My comment was deleted when I added the photo. I learned to pray more and worry less when a Beagle went missing last Friday. She was home in the morning when I got home from work. As I drove home after praying and worrying all night, I remembered this photo and saying. Wisdom there, I think.