Until You’re Told: My Potassium Issue

Lately, I’ve been thinking about electrolytes because my new fitness plan tells me–at the end of the day–if I’ve met my nutritional requirements.

I’m absolutely deficient in potassium. Who knew that one needs 4.7 grams a day!

That’s a lot of potassium. Apparently, I don’t eat many foods that contain potassium.

And I need to. Potassium builds proteins, aids the heart, breaks down carbohydrates, helps you grow, assists neurotransmitters, and maintains normal blood pressure.

I need more bananas. I need more nuts and beans. I need more spinach and maybe even some dried apricots. Why not throw in some mushrooms, potatoes, avocados, and fish?

I had no idea what I was missing until someone told me. 

I tell the Italian Mama about my potassium problem (she’s blogging over at Old Enough). She says, “Oh yes! I eat two bananas a day!”

Living with flair means we eat our bananas and apricots. Those little electrolytes do big things.

What potassium rich foods do you love? 

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0 Responses

  1. Oh…the Italian Mama is on the internet! Off to find her…your tales make me very interested!

  2. Bananas the the great source of potassium , but the main problem with potassium is that as easily this mineral is absorbed by the body, the same way is easily used by the body and thus supplementation of the potassium becomes necessary . Have liquid potassium supplement as it is all in one mineral that is used by almost every reaction of the body .