Two Things to Remember: Nevertheless and Through

On Friday mornings, I pray with my neighbor for our children. I’ve come to love writing down her wisdom. Today, she reminds me that if God doesn’t take us out of a hard situation, He’ll walk with us through it.

Yes. Through it. He will walk with us through it.

Then, later, another wise friend–who was so happy I’ve returned to helping with youth ministry–reminds me that we often are led to do crazy, unexpected things. We might be called to do something we don’t feel quite ready for, skilled in, or even happy about. “Nevertheless, we move forward,” she says.

“Nevertheless!” We repeat it together with one finger pointing into the air like we’re charging full steam ahead.

Nevertheless, I move forward into places God leads. He will walk me through whatever’s coming.


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0 Responses

  1. This was perfect for me to hear today, especially this part: “We might be called to do something we don't feel quite ready for,
    skilled in, or even happy about. “Nevertheless, we move forward,” It's kind of an answer to a prayer – should I get involved with a particular group or not – I'm going to! Thank you!