Supplying Your Weakness

This morning I read this as I finish the book I’ve been reading on Christian happiness:

“Our part is to supply the weakness; God’s part is to supply the strength” (Hannah Whitall Smith).

It’s a great quote as I consider all my training in professional development and portfolio building. I’m so used to talking about strengths and what I bring to the table. I’m so acquainted with my own skill set, proficiencies, spiritual gifting, and areas of expertise.

I imagine the great interview question: What do you have to offer? What do you supply for us?  In God’s business model, I find a new truth: I supply my weakness; God supplies His strength.

When I offer my weakness, God applies a special, incompressible strength to that very spot.

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0 Responses

  1. Yes! I had forgotten my flower press… It's raining today, but I'm going now to get it out so I'll be ready this weekend! Thank you!