Something Fun for January 2021–Writing Tips for You

Happy New Years Eve! I have something fun I’m doing on Facebook with my much underused author page.

Here’s what I posted, and feel free to join me if you need encouragement in January:

I thought I’d use my author page to encourage your writing in 2021–at least for the month of January. I LOVE coaching writers! I’ll provide a tip and a question both intended to develop your writing goals.

Tip: Write down your favorite story to tell about your life. Usually, it’s a treasured memory—a single beautiful moment. Why do you like to tell it? What happens to readers when they read it? Great novels and nonfiction often stem from single moments.
Question: By this time in your life, what have you become an expert in? Think broadly. This expertise grants you great authority to write. You can tell me your expertise in the comments. Be proud of yourself. Some are experts in time-management, grief, gardening, listening, waiting, singing, baking, parenting, failing, walking, resting. . .

On New Years Day, I’ll ask for your book idea for 2021!! Eeek!!!

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