Some Wise Leadership Words

Today I read a beautiful sentence by leadership expert Jay Lorenzen. I’ve sat under Jay’s teaching for over a decade as I attend his Gettysburg conference every year where we learn spiritual leadership lessons from the battlefield. He recently wrote these words that resonated deeply with me.

Leaders reestablish the divine order in the disordered minds and emotions of those we influence. Establishing order in the midst of chaos is leaderwork

~Jay Lorenzen

Leaders reestablish the divine order in the disordered minds and emotions.

I thought about people with “disordered minds” —not in a psychiatric sense necessarily, but just in the sense of anxiety, confusion, or even the regular up-and-down emotions of life. I thought of myself, my family, my students, my neighbors. What if God used my life and words to reestablish “divine order” whenever I found disorder? What if my whole life could be about ushering in the good order of Jesus whenever I see chaos?

Think about walking into a room (and especially into places where you lead) and reestablishing diving order.

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