In the midst of my worst postpartum depression, I remember all the advice from doctors, therapists, pastors, and friends. They often mentioned finding reasons to get out of bed each day. They suggested local outings, meeting with friends, and learning new skills.
They knew I needed to wake up and remember what I love. It took years to remember.
But slowly, I did.
Today, I woke up thanking the Lord for all the things I can’t wait to experience this very day: the giggle of little girls racing around the kitchen, the first sip of freshly brewed coffee, a conversation with my husband, the purr of a cat, a walk in the woods, the sound of my friends’ voices, the perfect shot to capture from my camera that’s always in my pocket, or a drive through the Pennsylvania countryside.
I could list a hundred more joys.
And yes, the joy of finding vivid verbs when I’m writing does indeed get me out of bed in the morning.
When I think about it, the Master of the Universe has special things for me to see and activities for me to accomplish this very day. I better get out of this bed!
I love asking folks what they get out of bed for.
Living with flair means we look forward to an amazing day.
What makes you excited for the day?
0 Responses
I wasn't aware that you suffered from PPD. It brings this whole site in to a whole new light for me, and I appreciate it even more then I already did.
Also – I agree with the finding things to get out of bed for! As a new stay at home mom I occasionally have days that I need to remember that!
Dear Sarah,
Thank you! Yes, I had PPD with both my first and second. It was worse with my second daughter, and I needed many doctors to help!