On This Bench

My husband drives by an apartment I’ve never seen before and points it out for me to see.

“What am I supposed to be seeing?” I mumble back.

I look at everything and see nothing important.

Then, just as I turn away, I see on one porch a beautiful garden bench. I look again.

It’s not just any old bench.

For months, I’ve watched a friend make this very bench for his new bride for their anniversary!  Completed in secret with some help from my husband and kept hidden in our garage, this garden bench is so lovely and meaningful. I know the story behind it.

It’s beautiful. She’ll treasure it always. They’ll sit on this garden bench and grow old together. They’ll watch their children play and hold grandchildren on their laps. They’ll watch sunsets, eat ice cream, pray, share good news, and rest on this bench. On this bench, they’ll live out a thousand ordinary days of deep breaths, quiet conversations, and daily decisions. On this bench, they’ll read and laugh and mourn. They’ll tuck their toes underneath themselves and curl up. They’ll laugh and be together.

“I see it!”I finally report. I’m smiling and so happy to see this gift of love displayed. I love that I saw it come to be.

I love handmade things, and I love the design of this garden bench!

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