Not Always Where You Belong

While watering the garden this morning, I noticed that dill plants have sprouted up everywhere: in the pots, by the tomatoes, around the border of the vegetable garden. The dill was supposed to stay neatly within its raised boxed garden by the fence. Dill does not listen. Dill does not obey.

I didn’t account for wind dispersing all the seeds. I didn’t think dill seeds would float everywhere and take root.

It made me consider how we’re not supposed to be everywhere, go everywhere, do everything. Even though we can, we don’t have to (and perhaps we shouldn’t). God sets the boundaries of our lives and our callings, and just because our seeds could take root in all sorts of places—and even become exceedingly fruitful—it’s not always right. It’s not what God has ordained. I think about this. I want to listen. I want to obey and stay where I should.

Sometimes when you begin to move in the direction of your calling, you’ll feel the pressure to do more in more places. You’ll wonder if you should do this or that. People will even tell you to do more or become more. My best advice? Pray and listen to the Holy Spirit. Learn the Shepherd’s voice. Obey. The world will blow you around and scatter you on the alluring wind. All those seeds you’re sending out to the world might take root in unhealthy or wrong places for you. Jesus might keep you small and hidden yet powerful. He’ll plant you in your perfect spot.

I uprooted the misplaced dill and sent it back to its home. I will have the most beautiful and bountiful dill garden—safe and cozy in its home near the brown fence.

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