Loaded with Benefits

This morning, I was delighted to learn something new from Psalm 68:19. I often quote the verse as, “Blessed be the Lord, who daily bears our burdens” from the NIV. The ESV says, “who daily bears us up.” But the NMV (the New Messianic) says, “who daily loads us with benefits.”

I used blueletterbible.com to discover the NMV is the better and more accurate translation of the Hebrew. God daily loads us up with benefits or blessings. It reads like this:

Blessed be the Lord (the Father, the Greatest Above All Things) who daily loads us with benefits. 

Imagine loading up someone with gift after gift. See this person struggling to balance so many gifts. And now more! The blessings just keep loading up. Picture this very day as God loading you up with His blessings. He does it daily.

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