“In You They Trusted and Were Not Disappointed”

In Psalm 22:5, I read: “They cried to you and were saved; in you they trusted and were not disappointed.” The truth resounds from the mouth of a king who feels forlorn, rejected, alone, and ignored. He must remind himself that even when feeling downcast, the truth stands that those who trust in God will not be disappointed. 

I’m walking down the street, crunching acorns under my sneakers, and I thank God that I won’t be disappointed when I trust in God. I can’t be.

I look up, and I see the things I’m supposed to see today: the astonishing tree on fire with color and the white fluff of pampas grass against the blue noon day sky.

Even walking–seeing what I’m supposed to see–I feel no disappointment. I don’t want to be anywhere else because I’m right here on this walk with God (right where I’m supposed to be, seeing what I’m supposed to see). I want to know this truth everyday.

I love the fall colors! There’s a tree with purple leaves in the background if you look carefully. 

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0 Responses

  1. Thank you for sharing your heart. I appreciate the little devotional moment in my busy day.