I hate change. It makes me anxious.
This morning at Saturday Morning Pancakes, my neighbor (the one who showed me the lady slipper orchid) reminds me that when I feel anxious, it’s my opportunity to have faith.
I look at her as if she’s just reminded me of my own name. Of course. It’s so simple. When I’m anxious about anything, it’s a bright flashing neon sign saying: Opportunity to Trust God Right Here!
I’m anxious because I have to travel. I’m anxious because I have to leave my environment and live in another one for a while.
As I explain all these anxieties, a boy beside me suggests that if the environment never changes, then a person cannot grow and develop. He explains it all using a video game analogy. You’ve got to move around! You’ve got to change things up! He tells me how good it is for my growth and imagination to have some change.
So this thing (whatever it is) that’s causing anxiety? It’s an opportunity to trust God. It’s putting me in an environment for growth. If nothing changes, then I don’t either. And I want to change and grow into the woman God wants me to be. That means welcoming situations that stretch me.
Journal: What’s causing anxiety in me, and how can I see this as an opportunity to trust and as an environment for growth?
0 Responses
“Opportunity to Trust God Right Here!” Wonderful flair, Heather. I could use one of those flashing lights.