Hope for the Out-of-Tune

Today, the Piano Tuner comes to tune the piano.

We have to be very quiet so he can listen.

I learn that the Piano Tuner makes minute adjustments to the tension of the piano strings. He’s listening for how the notes on my particular piano interact and tunes my piano based on its unique features.

The piano will not, on its own, stay in tune.  The whole instrument experiences continual stress from both internal and external sources.  Even slight changes in atmospheric pressure can undo my little piano within just a few weeks.   

So we call the Piano Tuner, and he sets the instrument right.

I listen, watching him work. “Is it hopeless?” I ask, embarrassed for how long it’s been.

“Not at all!” 

When he’s finished, he plays extraordinary music–warm, beautiful, rich, and resonant–that I didn’t realize could come from this piano.

There’s hope for the out-of-tune!  There’s hope for me yet!  

Lord, come and set me right today.  Make any adjustment you need; apply or undo any tension.  Let music flow out of me that’s tuned perfectly to your perfect ear. 

I know how quickly and how thoroughly I go out of tune (not just with my horrible singing voice!) in attitude, ambition, and action. I remember the great hymn and sing out:  “Tune my heart to sing Thy grace.”

How does God tune the out-of-tune in you?

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0 Responses

  1. When I first bought and had my current piano tuned, the Tuner had me move it away from the wall; it was in a corner, so we pulled it out from that corner. He said the “empty” open space behind could better help the sound rebound into the room. I recently cleared it off again and played – oy, it needs the Tuner…and so do I. Thank you for this lovely seque. 

  2. Wow, Roberta!  What an awesome parallel to life:  the empty space helps the music sound better:)  Awesome.  Thank you!  

  3. Heather,
    I was about to suggest your posts would be great in a devotional book, then I realized you don't need to put them in a book…..we have them at our finger tips.  I really enjoy your posts.  Thank you.