Go Find the Brokenhearted

This morning, I’m speaking to a group of 1,000 people about how I encounter God.  As I pray about what to report, one phrase resonates over and over again.  In my sleep, in my waking thoughts, and in my attempts at writing, the same phrase erupts:

Go find the brokenhearted.  Bring them to the throne of God for healing.  

That’s it.  If I want to encounter God, I go where He is.  Scripture says in Psalm 34 that “God is near to the brokenhearted and saves those who are crushed in spirit.”

If God is near to the brokenhearted, I want to be with Him.  I want to draw near to whatever pain, whatever sorrow, and whatever deep despair imprisons the people God puts in my path.  I want to journey with them to the throne of God to meet the Healer.

I want them to know the Healer who healed me.

Do you know a brokenhearted person who needs to go to God’s throne?

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0 Responses

  1. Heather, thank you so much for speaking at Encounter this past week! You are truly a blessing, and so much fun to listen to! Praise the Lord for all He's doing in your life!
    Thanks so much :]