My Wise Big Sister and I had the best conversation about what it means to grow older and prepare for our children leaving the house. Then what? What’s the point now?
We talk about the joy of now coming alongside our children—and younger members of our community—as a support network, as scaffolding, as encouragement.
We also talk about wisdom giving in various forms as God leads us. Some older folks might teach or write or lead a group to study the Bible. Others might simply offer wisdom to a neighbor over coffee at the kitchen table.
Finally, we talk about using our resources to now bless others in generous, extravagant ways.
My favorite bit of wisdom is that we don’t use others to meet our emotional needs or provide for us. We’ve grown into the kind of maturity that can release children into the world without needing them to meet our emotional needs.
Praise God!
I know older folks like this. They enter into our lives to support us in practical ways, to offer wisdom, and then surprise us with such generosity.
Offer support. Give wisdom. Provide extravagantly. I love growing older.