First Day of Summer

I’m such a goal-oriented person, but my teens do not appreciate my goal-setting for them every summer. When they were little, I could set elaborate schedules and record our accomplishments, but now, it doesn’t work the same way. I still, however, make broad categories of what this summer might entail for us all.

We talk about a daily walk to see all the bunnies in the early morning or evening. We talk about an afternoon smoothie–what my daughter deemed “Afternoon Acai” since it’s one ingredient. We talk about accomplishing just one little thing like writing thank-you notes. We talk about travel and family nights and movies and books. We talk about how to serve others.

For me, (in addition to ministry work, writing, teaching, and speaking–it’s not really “summer”) I’m finishing my chronological Bible reading plan and educating myself on institutional racism. I’m listening and reading as much as I can and finding simple things to share with future students or in conversations with young people. I like the Smithsonian’s resources on being anti-racist. I’m also learning to cook more plant-based meals and caring for my garden.

I’m surprised how much joy my garden is bringing me!

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