Empowering Children to Manage Their Lives

As a Type-A, micromanaging type of mom who is on a journey to enjoy our home life without stressing everyone out, I’m learning how to empower my children to manage their lives.

It’s hard. I want everyone to be productive, excellent, and organized. As a result of my zeal, I end up immensely disliking the stress I create around me.

Lately, I’ve realized I’m harming my daughters by not empowering them to live their lives. Micromanaging them steals this life skill from them. I know because I also teach college freshman who often confess that they talk to mom seven or eight times a day about their assignments and their lives.

I want to talk to my children when they are grown, but not that much.

This past week, I’ve made lists of what they must accomplish, but then I let them manage their time–for better or for worse. They are learning. During this new week, they make their own lists, and they manage their own time even better.

Meanwhile, I’m not hovering anymore. Once during the whole afternoon, I’ll call out, “Does anyone need help managing her time? Does anyone need assistance?”

I’m still here, but I’m a different kind of mom. I’m so much happier letting this go.

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