“As you always do. . .”

Turn to me and have mercy on me, as you always do. . .

I read in Psalm 119:132 the cry of the priest who writes, “Turn to me and have mercy on me, as you always do to those who love your name.”

As you always do. . .

The phrase reminds me that God’s character never changes and He will not fail to turn to us and respond in mercy.

I can hardly contain the joy in my soul to know that we serve a God who turns to us–to give us His attention, imagine!–and has mercy on us.

Instead of ignoring you, He turns to you.

Instead of punishing you, He shows compassion and goodness.

It’s His way, His manner of doing things, His good character. He looks upon you and me even at this moment and shows us His favor, His blessing, and His goodness.

As He always does.

We don’t need to worry if this attention and mercy will operate on our behalf today. It will. It always will.

I wonder now: What changes about our day when we know we have God’s attention and His mercy?

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