And Winter Approaches

We wake to an unexpected first snow that makes the Winterberry bush stand out, red and eager, against the landscape. Soon, the Northern Cardinals will return to backyard from wherever they’ve traveled. My husband will place fresh seed in the feeders for all our winter backyard birds.

I walk around the neighborhood as I navigate slick, icy streets. It’s too cold for snowmelt, so I gingerly make my way through snow-capped leaf piles. It’s windy and so cold I burrow into my puffy jacket and pull my hat down around my face. I think about all the lotion and chapstick I’ve learned to use as the seasons change.

The wind nearly blows me over.

I like the sting of it. It’s a fresh, clear, cold autumn wind that announces winter’s approach.

It’s a day for chili in the crockpot, cozy slippers, and blankets that we pull tightly around us as the wind howls outside. The cats curl close to gather all the heat they can.


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