An Unexpected Photography Lesson

I’m hiking in snow in the middle of June.

It’s actually not even that cold (as you can see from our shorts).

The landscape presents an unexpected photography challenge for me.  Normally, I focus on the very small when I take photos.  But not today.  The view nearly overwhelms me, and I have no choice but to change the settings on my camera and try to capture it all in my lens.

I snap the photos, but it doesn’t feel as satisfying for some reason.  It is beautiful and majestic, but something is missing.  Then I notice this:  While all the adults gaze at the mountains, the children turn their attention to the chipmunks on the trail.  Every child screams in delight at these little creatures running around our feet. 

Why do children find the small thing to delight in?  I follow their lead and search the ground for beauty.  I discover mountain wildflowers growing in places where the snow had melted.  The flower, held up against the majesty of the mountains, contains equal beauty–equal awe–for me. 

I remember not to limit awe to those things large in scope and grand in appearance.  I will have to come down from this mountaintop and live in the valley.  But I will not leave my wonder and awe up there.

Journal:  What small thing created awe in me today?

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0 Responses

  1. Welcome to colorado! That's how we roll!

    What a storm last night. Six more inches of snow in the mountains. Gotta love it…

    Where you guys staying? I know a few other High Calling bloggers in the area. Have our writers group meeting in two weeks. You should come!