A Writing Gift to Yourself

For my birthday (I’m 41 years old! I love the forties!), I decided to give myself a writing gift. In particular, I am giving myself 1,667 words a day for the month of November.

This may sound familiar to you. That’s right! It’s National Novel Writing Month!

I signed up for the second time in my life to finish a book in one month through National Novel Writing Month (NaNoWriMo). You can write a book, too! Just sign up at nanowrimo.org.

To finish, you write about 1,660 words a day to finish a 50,000 word book by the end of November. You log your words each day, earn badges, receive little pep talks, and join a whole community of writers like yourself. I love deadlines and daily word counts, so this is the perfect gift for me.

Enjoy writing!



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