A Special Gift from the Local Artist

Local artist and dear friend, Jenny Kelly, delivers a memorial drawing of our sweet cat on Sunday morning. Jenny has a special gift of helping others grieve well–even if it’s something that seems small or unimportant, like a pet.

She knows how special this kitty was, especially to our children. She also knows that art helps unlock something in us. It’s therapeutic; we need it.

She uses visual art to honor, empathize, celebrate, and memorialize. She’s a treasure to our community. 
Jenny teaches me all the ways God uses our experiences and our talents to bless and enter into the lives of others. 
Jenny has a grieving ministry in our neighborhood for whatever you’ve lost–large or small. I’m so thankful for her. 

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0 Responses

  1. What an absolutely wonderful gift – both the gift that Jenny has been given and the one that she, in turn, gave to you.

  2. Such beauty and truth, Heather. I had a local artist do a portrait of my “best dog ever”, Ada. Afterward I felt a bit foolish but she captured the essence of my Poodle. Years have past now but the portrait makes me smile and remember with gratitude the gift of a special pet and the gift of the artist.
    I know you will treasure this wonderful likeness of Jack; I'm so glad you have Jenny in your life.

  3. The picture of Jack took my breath away. It's so beautiful. You have a treasure in the picture and in your talented, lovely friend. Wow.

  4. What a lovely idea. I was sad to read about Jack, having enjoyed his unfolding story in your family.