A Moment from Galatians: Set Apart and Called

This morning, I read Galatians 1 and stayed for a while with verses 15-16. I notice, of course, the verbs. Notice how Paul understands his life: “But when God, who set me apart from my mother’s womb and called me by his grace, was pleased to reveal his Son in me so that I might preach him among the Gentiles. . .” 

Paul sees himself as set apart from birth; his whole life is by God’s design from the very beginning. Paul also understands God called him; nothing Paul did earned this or brought it about. It was solely by the grace of God. Finally, Paul sees that his life is about showcasing Jesus. 

I asked God to show me more what it would look like when you meet a person who reveals Christ. When God “reveal[s]” his Son” in Paul, I think of a few things. Paul’s life demonstrates supernatural power that reveals Christ. Paul also understands suffering differently. His life reveals the secret of contentment in any situation. What else? What would a life that reveals Christ look like? I think of the patience and love of Jesus. I think of His willingness to endure shame. I think of the particular attention He gave children and outcasts. I’m thinking more about more about how God may reveal Christ in us even this very day.

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