As a searching nineteen year old who longed so deeply to know God, I remember hearing a woman quote Psalm 63:3. It was summertime, and, like most young adults who decide to follow Jesus, I had made painful decisions to end relationships, surrender my future, and begin the beautiful but fraught journey of consecration. Was it worth it now? Was it going to be worth it?
She spoke about God’s love for her and said about Him, “Because your love is better than life, my lips will glorify you.” Her face radiated with joy I did not yet know. Her worshipping heart drew me in, and I began to marvel over this psalm.
Oh, but the questions!
His love is better than life? Is there anything more precious? Is there anything I have that would matter more? You mean my life–this life so precious to me, the one I’m designing for happiness–isn’t as good as experiencing Your love?
I began to consider that even the best life I could design for myself with all of my best dreams coming true would still not compare to the joy of knowing God’s love, of having Him.
The psalmist continues: “I will praise you as long as I live, and in your name I will lift up my hands. My soul will be satisfied as with the richest of food; with singing lips my mouth will praise you.”
Fast forward 25 years: I sit with my Bible and journal in this worn butter colored recliner. The sun rises over my small neighborhood in Pennsylvania where spring fights for a place on streets crowded with ice and dirty snow. All this time, I’ve journeyed into His love. And I’ve learned. His love is better than even life. And with Him we have the life we’ve always wanted. To know this changes everything about this exhausting pursuit of abundant life. We have it when we have Him. The psalm sets my mind right.