This morning, I had frilly little Valentines ready for my teen daughters as they arrived downstairs for breakfast. The gift included essentials of chocolate, a fun pen, a new journal, and something I added that I couldn’t resist: Scratch and Sniff stickers (to adorn the journal pages).
When I found these in Michaels, I experiences nostalgia for my 1985 sticker collection. My favorite pages in my album were the Scratch and Sniff stickers. And now they’re back!
So this morning, I presented Scratch and Sniff stickers for fun. And since it was Valentines, I remember all the old 1980’s Valentines: Garfield, The Care Bears, Gem and the Holograms, The Jetsons, Cabbage Patch Kids. . .
What a time gone by. But this morning, it came back in the form of stickers I once collected.