This morning in the garden, I turn the corner towards my little peony plant. Every time these buds fully bloom, I always think to myself, “Now that’s just showing off!” A peony is just an over-the-top kind of flower. What flair!
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Pink Peony in Full Bloom |
I lean in to observe what seems just like all the popular ruching patterns I see all over skirts and shirts this season. God indeed clothes nature in a kind of splendor we can only copy. I look up that word, “splendor,” because I begin to recall how frequently it appears in Scripture. It means magnificent, gorgeous, and brilliantly distinct. I find references all over the Bible that we worship the Lord in the splendor of His holiness and majesty. I also learn that God says we are His “splendor” and that He displays His “splendor” in us.
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Peony Ruching |
He shows off in us. I even read that the splendor the Lord gives makes our beauty perfect.
I finally recall when Jesus says, “And why do you worry about clothes? See how the flowers of the field grow. They do not labor or spin. Yet I tell you that not even Solomon in all his splendor was dressed like one of these. If that is how God clothes the grass of the field, which is here today and tomorrow is thrown into the fire, will he not much more clothe you—you of little faith?”
God is all splendor. He displays that splendor in us. When I look at peonies showing off, I remember a magnificent, gorgeous, and brilliantly distinct God who, in turn, clothes us with all we need to display that kind of splendor. I want to open my eyes and see that splendor in every face I meet today.
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The Splendor of the Peony |
Journal: What else do you observe that makes you laugh and say, “Now that’s just showing off”?
0 Responses
WOW! Beautiful! I don't have anything like that to photograph! or draw 🙂
Drop dead gorgeous peony. Lovely photos and thoughts. I recently watched a video of a dog who was photographed from an 8 week old puppy to a yearling. He is a German Shepherd Dog. They took the photo in the same spot through the year. It is on GodVine: When you talked of splendor showing off, the growth of that puppy reminded me of your peony but probably because my brain is half dog. LOL. Thanks.
I love that your brain is half-dog! Mine is probably half cat! That video was cool! Thanks!
My Mother would be giddy over your peonies! It's her favorite flower, unfortunately the weather in Houston doesn't allow this flower to thrive so she can't grow any there. I should use the blooming peonies as motivation for her to come visit me.