Our Favorite Game to Play in a Group

If you need a fun family game that works for all ages (you might assist those who cannot read or write), try this one! Some call it “Fish Bowl,” but I’ve heard it called many things. Basically, you do this:

Have every person write down Thanksgiving themed words or phrases on slips of paper that they fold in half. You want a big collection of words, so encourage everyone to write down at least 3 different words on different slips of paper. Put the folded slips of paper into a bowl. For each round, different team members will take turns picking folded slips of paper out of the bowl, looking at the word (without showing anyone).

Split into two teams. Play the following rounds setting a 1-minute timer.

Round 1: Taboo

In this round, the Team One picks a member to try to get the other team members to guess the word on the slip of paper using descriptions without saying any part of the word or phrase. Then Team Two does the same thing. You keep the used slips of paper out of the bowl.

Round 2: Charades

In this round, put all the original slips of paper back in the bowl. Team One and then Team Two try to get teammates to say the word (s) on the slip of paper using only hand gestures and acting out (no speaking).

Round 3: Say Just One Word

In this round, put all the original slips of paper back in the bowl. Team One and then Team Two try to get teammates to guess the word (s) by only saying one word.

Round 4: One Gesture

In this round, put all the original slips of paper back in the bowl. Team One and then Team Two try to get teammates to guess the word (s) by using only one hand gesture.

Round 5 (optional tie-breaker): Pictionary

In this round, put all the original slips of paper back in the bowl. Team One and then Team Two try to get teammates to guess the word (s) by drawing images (no letters) on a sheet of paper.

Enjoy family time and great games this holiday!

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