I love when a friend drags me by the hand and says, “Have you seen my seedlings?” With gardening friends, you know it’s that time of year to talk about the plan. Everyone enjoys a different plan; some of my friends grow serious amounts of lettuce and herbs (like basil that overtakes the yard and ends up in jars and jars of fresh pesto which I love). Others, like me, focus on fruit trees, berries, and some novelties like pumpkins and watermelons and figs. Another friend will grow more kinds of hot peppers than you can imagine. We’ll talk about our tomato seedlings with intensity. We’ll worry over how many beans we should plant.
I love this time of year. It’s a month of planning in order to plant in May, so we’re getting things in order around here.
If you’ve never started a garden, consider a small one–maybe even something in pots–to enjoy all summer. It’s so fun to tend to a vegetable garden or patch of raspberries. Pick out some seeds this week. Make your plan. Enjoy the fun of a summer garden.