This morning, I read Hannah Whitall Smith’s words of great encouragement:
Wherever the Lord is, all must go right for His children; His presence is enough.
She explains how God’s presence assures of us comfort, rest, and deliverance, and if we could truly understand this, “a wellspring of joy would be opened up in our religious lives that would drive out every vestige of discomfort and distress.” There’s a pathway to this wellspring of joy. I’m also reading Dallas Willard’s Renovation of the Heart–something my counselor recommended 20 years ago that I could hardly grasp intellectually or spiritually at the time. What a joy to reread it now! Willard heartily argues for the pathway to “soul rest” and joy through spiritual formation; we get there by inviting Christ to form His own resurrected life within us. I highly recommend this book as it’s teaching me how to continually “nourish” myself in Christ’s presence moment by moment.