I love writing down in my gratitude journal all the things I look forward to in a day. It builds hope for the day and also allows me to thank God for the all the little things that make for a great day.
On my list I’ve included my daily Bible reading time, my hour walk with my daughter, my afternoon “immunity drink” (the one with ginger, fresh orange juice, and kombucha), and the good recipe I’ll usually make for dinner (tonight it’s fried rice). I also love teaching my students at Penn State, and I look forward to teaching them each day (today we talked about how to give effective professional feedback in our peer writing workshop). Finally, I look forward to writing each day–whether I’m blogging, working on a new proposal, or drafting a novel.
What I love about this list is those elements that don’t depend upon money, power, or circumstances. I can do these things anywhere, really. Nothing can stop me from meditating on God’s word, from exercising wherever I am, and from using whatever expertise I have to develop others. Nothing can stop me from writing.
And nothing can stop me from gratitude.
It’s amazing to think we have these kinds of choices to build a day.
[bctt tweet=”Build a gratitude list of things that don’t depend on money, power, or circumstances. Anywhere we are, we can choose to meditate on God’s word, exercise in some form, use our expertise to develop others, and write. #gratitude”]