3 Lessons from Ney Bailey

This morning, I listen to Cru staff member Ney Bailey speak from her wisdom accumulated from over 46 years as a missionary with a great faith in God. When she speaks, it’s as if a great light floods into my soul and Jesus expands. Ney–nearly 80 years old–tells us how to bring God into our pain.

It’s an astonishing message of releasing God’s power and presence into our circumstances by thanking Him for the worst things in our lives. The worst things! Imagine!

We do this by faith, because as Ney always taught, “faith is not a feeling.”

Secondly, she reminds us, that by faith, we always bless instead of curse. We must speak well of people. We must seek to bring joy and love right into our enemies’ lives. Our enemies! Imagine!

We do this by faith, because as Ney always taught, “faith is not a feeling.”

Finally, she says that we most represent Jesus when we are forgiving others. We can forgive because our God is bigger than any hurt. We forgive because of who God is. We forgive because we do not base this on feelings. Forgive those who have hurt us? Imagine!

We base everything–our whole lives–on the authority of God and His word.


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0 Responses

  1. This morning, I woke in panic from a dream. I've been wandering around focusing on the next thing to do and trying to shake it off.
    And here I am, reading this message – bring God into my pain and always seek to bring joy and light to others, even our enemies.
    I'm printing your email, I need to re-focus on the right things.