I’m not the only writer who works with a cat standing guard. My cat, Louie, sits there like a bodyguard. Whenever I begin even walking in the direction of my desk, he races ahead and positions himself right here.
You can’t do this without me. You need me. It’s a dangerous thing, this writing. Beware.
He’s a rather large cat, by the way. He just sits. The whole time. With me.
It’s comforting and protective, as if the words I’m writing might bring despair and danger. I’m here. I will protect. I notice all. I am the gatekeeper here.
Oh, cats!
I had fun reading this website that showcases 11 Writers Who Really Loved Cats and this list of 30 Renowned Authors Inspired by Cats.
Does your cat sit with you while you write?
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Must be a cat thing. Mine run to sit and watch me grade papers while trying to make me look at them.
It does! And sometimes it lies down on my work to remind me to keep breaks too.