Wise Words from a Missionary

I’ve been thinking the past two days about people who seem to have that “missionary spirit.” I asked a wise woman about how surrendered she was in her life; she can go anywhere, sleep anywhere, eat anything, and sacrifice all her comforts to serve the Lord. And she has. She’s in her 70’s, and she pushes on with her “missionary spirit.” Then, the very next day, I met with a missionary about to leave for another country after living in 14 other ones. I told her that I’ve been thinking about special people who have that “missionary spirit. “

“I don’t buy that,” she said. “You’re a Christ-follower, so you are a missionary. You have a missionary spirit already. It’s not reserved for special people.”

I thought about her words all day long. I asked God to help me live more in alignment with that missionary spirit. I want to go anywhere and do anything with great joy.

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