Wisdom in the End

Every year, I reread the book of Job, especially the parts where Job and God speak. I love Job because of the reality of suffering. Good people suffer, and we don’t always know why. I underlined this passage in Job 42 and sent it to my family. These words contain more wisdom that we can imagine:

Then Job replied to the Lord, “I know that you can do all things, and that no plan of yours can be thwarted.”

This moment in Job marks a moment of forthcoming repentance. We do not know how to make sense of our lives when difficult things happen, but we know two things for sure: 1. God can do anything. 2. Nothing can stop His plan. 

This verse comforts me when I cannot make sense of difficult things. You might have come to the same wisdom: God is all powerful and He is allowing this hard thing as part of a good plan I cannot yet understand. Job himself cries out: “I have uttered what I did not understand, things too wonderful for me, which I did not know” and he repents in dust and ashes.

We submit ourselves to a sovereign, all-powerful, loving God. 


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