As I continue to study savoring, I’m thrilled with everything I’m learning. For example, if you consider three good things that happen to you each day, and then consider why they happened, you begin to do what’s called “positive rumination.” Instead of worry, anxiety, or fear, you’re using those neural pathways to think wonderful thoughts. You’re less depressed. You’re less anxious. And your more connected to others when you share your experiences. I love social science research. I love learning.
Then I realized something amazing. Live with Flair was really, always, a positive rumination blog! It was! It is!
So today I marveled over my collection of unusual pumpkins from my mini pumpkin patch experiment. I loved checking the pumpkins each Saturday morning with the little girls from next door. They picked dozens for their front porch and house. I love watching things grow. I love the mystery of why and how certain pumpkins came out striped green or orange or white or splotched. I love how adorable they look. And mostly, I love sharing the joy with two little girls who would scream out, “I found a striped one! I found a little orange one!”
Here I go. I’m savoring. I hope you are too, today.