A couple of days ago, everybody complained about the water in the pool. After a rainstorm, the pH levels of our public pool were “off.” Our eyes stung, the water felt weird, and some people complained that their bathing suits were changing color. It was strange. The pool staff adjusted the pH, but it still took time to stabilize.
I learned how sensitive a swimming pool can be. Did you know the pool levels need to be monitored daily, sometimes several times a day? Did you know how easily the pH levels change? I had no idea. I had no idea the delicate balance of chemicals involved in daily pool maintenance. It’s a lot of work! And results don’t come immediately. Sometimes it takes 24 hours for a pool’s normal pH to be restored after an imbalance.
I liked learning that about my pool. My pool’s imbalances remind me of my own. It’s not so strange to monitor my well-being daily, sometimes several times a day, and recalibrate based on what’s out of balance. I’m like a lifeguard holding that chemical kit and pH tester. I’m armed with tools to get myself back in balance.
If I’m not feeling good, if the family is stressed out, or if we aren’t experiencing peace and joy, we stop and ask: “What’s out of balance?”
Then we recalibrate. Sometimes, we recalibrate twice a day. We make any and all adjustments to find balance again.
Just as rainwater and outside chemicals and debris radically alter the pool’s functioning, I’ve learned after all these years 10 things that get me “out of balance.” I wonder if you could add something to my list.
I don’t feel so happy! I wonder:
1. Have I had too much junk food, sugar, or processed food?
2. Have I had enough sleep?
3. Have I had time to pray and connect with God?
4. Have I exercised in the last 48 hours?
5. Have I deeply connected with my husband and each child recently?
6. Have I had enough social time with friends? Have I had too much?
7. Have I had a creative outlet in the last few days?
8. Have I conversed with too many toxic people (manipulative, guilt-trippers, complainers, gossipers) in my day?
9. Have I assumed too many responsibilities and not delegated enough? (Especially when it comes to keeping an organized and clean home. . . I don’t have to do all the housework, ever)
10. Have I let my mind wander and create irrational future scenarios of doom (finances, health, etc.)?
What sort of things get you out of balance? What brings your mood down most of all? I’d love to hear what else we could ask ourselves to check our “balance levels.” Living with flair means learning to monitor myself, ask what’s out of balance, and then, recalibrate.
0 Responses
Thank you, well-timed, excellent list. Great comparison with ph bal. in pools, good word picture. I believe many of us do not “get” what can bring our days into an “out of whackness”. Many times, those things are not another's “fault”, but our own. Keep up your good work, Heather. It helps my awareness level stay on point! God bless your gifts!
i have one! Have I let my mind dwell on past regrets or hurts?