“What a delicious thing writing is. . .”

I ease a dusty Madame Bovary off of the bookshelf. I love this novel and decide to read it again. In the Foreword, I read how Gustave Flaubert felt about the act of writing. He writes in a letter, “What a delicious thing writing is–not to be you any more but to move through the whole universe you’re talking about.”

Flaubert describes inhabiting the characters and “riding in a forest on a fall afternoon beneath the yellow leaves.” He allows himself to become the “horses, the leaves, the wind” and the “red sun beating on [the characters’] half-closed eyelids.”

Sometimes, in the business of writing, we forget the deliciousness of writing.

My students don’t often enjoy writing. One of my goals is to help them love it. Do you enjoy writing?

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